Bulletin Board
Home Association
Ladies Auxilliary
Our Emblem

Ladies Auxiliary

The original name of The Knights of Columbus Auxiliary was "Ladies of the Rosary." The purpose of this group is to aid and assist the Knights of Columbus Council #869, the Home Association and our Catholic Churches.

The Auxiliary originated about 1975 or earlier.

First Wednesday of each month excluding June, July and August. 7:00 PM in Knights of Columbus Social Hall.


  • The organization is open to all Catholic women who reach the age of 18 yrs.
  • Any married Catholic women whose husband is a member of the Knights of Columbus.
  • Any Catholic married to a non-Catholic.
  • Any non-Catholic woman married to a member of the Knighrs of Columbus.

2009-2010 Officers:

PresidentPatricia (Trish) Albrecht
Vice PresidentMaryann Kelemen
SecretaryMarylou Morin
TreasurerLillian Nally

Committee Chairs

Religious and FellowshipPatricia (Trish) Albrecht
Pro-LifeSue Nissley
MembershipRhoda Fox
Member LiaisonChristine Negley
HospitalityTerri Taylor
ParliamentarianDolly Petrone

We are a religious and community organization.
Our charities are listed below:

  • Silence of Mary Homes
  • Donations to American Breast Cancer walks.
  • Morning Star Pregnancy Services.
  • Any families in special needs

Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary and Holy Rosary Council 869 Annual Christmas Parties.

Christmas party for the nuns from the local churches and Auxiliary members. Children’s Annual Christmas party for children and grandchildren of members of the Auxiliary and Council #869.

We raise money through raffles, 50-50 and Sub sales twice a year.

© 2011 Knights of Columbus - Holy Rosary Council 869 - Site by: PA Games